Bride of Frankenstein

directed by James Whale
Category: "Action/Adventure"
Year of Release:1935
Date Added:01/24/2008
Date Watched:11/18/2009
Description:Dr. Frankenstein (Colin Clive) somehow managed to survive the fall from the windmill at the end of Frankenstein, and so did the monster (Boris Karloff). The monster strolls around killing people and learning how to talk from a blind hermit. Meanwhile, goaded by an even madder scientist, Dr. Pretorious, Frankenstein builds his monster a mate. The monster woman (Elsa Lancaster) is only on screen for a few minutes before she, the monster and Pretorious die in a castle explosion. Frankenstein manages to escape just in time.
My Rating:3

Reviews for Bride of Frankenstein

Review - Bride of Frankenstein

Supposedly camp. I found it stupid and boring. It was painfully difficult to care what happened to any of the characters and to stay awake. I was aware of the attempts at humor but failed to find any of them funny.
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